Index of /projects/Bulk_Sampling/

NameLast ModifiedSize
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FileAppendix A - Site plan(s).pdf2024-10-03 11:50 1032k
FileAppendix B - Photographs of the site.pdf2024-10-03 11:50 308k
FileAppendix C - Facility illustrations.pdf2024-10-03 11:50 1736k
FileAppendix D - Terrestrial Biodiversity Compliance Statement.pdf2024-10-03 11:50 1968k
FileAppendix E - Proof of Public Participation Part 1.pdf2024-10-03 11:50 3268k
FileAppendix F - EMP.pdf2024-10-03 11:50 608k
FileAppendix G - EAP CVs.pdf2024-10-03 11:50 10416k
FileAppendix G1 - General Authorisation.pdf2024-10-03 11:50 148k
FileDEIAR Appendix A1 - Regulation 42 Map.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 8304k
FileDEIAR Appendix A2 - Regulation 2.2 Map.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 1300k
FileDEIAR Appendix B1 - Locality and Land Use Map Devon and Botha.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 4668k
FileDEIAR Appendix B2 - Locality and Land Use Map Bermolli - Vaalwater.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 7392k
FileDEIAR Appendix B3 - Locality and Land Use Map Farm 570.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 5012k
FileDEIAR Appendix C - Rehabilitation Plan.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 244k
FileDEIAR Appendix D1 - Preliminary Site Plan - Bermolli No 583-5.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 288k
FileDEIAR Appendix D2 - Preliminary Site Plan - Engelsdraai No 221-RE.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 268k
FileDEIAR Appendix D3 - Preliminary Site Plan - Witdraai No 204-1.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 260k
FileDEIAR Appendix D4 - Preliminary Site Plan - Vaalwater No 84-1, RE.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 260k
FileDEIAR Appendix D5 - Preliminary Site Plan - Farm No 570.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 260k
FileDEIAR Appendix E - Wetland - Aquatic and Terrestrial Desktop Sensitivity.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 2620k
FileDEIAR Appendix F - Heritage Impact Assessment.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 1744k
FileDEIAR Appendix G - Palaeontological Impact Assessment.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 2024k
FileDEIAR Appendix H - Diatomite Literature Review and Target Generation.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 19968k
FileDEIAR Appendix I1 - Comments and Response Report.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 948k
FileDEIAR Appendix I2 - Proof of Public Participation Part 1 of 2.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 11072k
FileDEIAR Appendix I2 - Proof of Public Participation Part 2 of 2.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 29592k
FileDEIAR Appendix K - Invasive Plant Species Management Plan.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 1568k
FileDEIAR Appendix L - Photographs of Study Area.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 7088k
FileDEIAR Appendix M - EAP CV and Proof of Experience.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 728k
FileDraft Environmental Impact Assessment Report - NC 30-5-1-1-2-13826 PR.pdf2024-10-03 12:58 9296k
FileDraft Scoping Report - NC-30-5-1-1-2-13826 PR.pdf2024-02-21 14:26 3868k
FileDSR Appendix 1 - EAP CV.pdf2024-02-21 14:26 652k
FileDSR Appendix 2 - EAP Proof of Experience.pdf2024-02-21 14:25 144k
FileDSR Appendix 3.1 - Regulation 42 Map.pdf2024-02-21 14:26 8304k
FileDSR Appendix 3.2 - Regulation 2.2 Map.pdf2024-02-21 14:26 1300k
FileDSR Appendix 4 - Land Use Map - Bermolli 583, Engelsdraai 221, Witdraai 204, ...2024-02-21 14:26 932k
FileDSR Appendix 4 - Land Use Map - Devon 277 and Botha 313.pdf2024-02-21 14:26 712k
FileDSR Appendix 5 - Proof of Public Participation.pdf2024-02-21 14:26 11072k
FileFEIAR Appendix A1 - Regulation 42 Plan.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 7108k
FileFEIAR Appendix A2 - Regulation 2.2 Plan.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 1192k
FileFEIAR Appendix B1 - Locality and Land Use Map Botha.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 688k
FileFEIAR Appendix B2 - Locality and Land Use Map Bermolli - Vaalwater.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 932k
FileFEIAR Appendix B3 - Locality and Land Use Map Farm 570.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 796k
FileFEIAR Appendix C - Rehabilitation Plan.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 244k
FileFEIAR Appendix D1 - Preliminary Site Plan - Bermolli No 583-5.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 288k
FileFEIAR Appendix D2 - Preliminary Site Plan - Engelsdraai No 221-RE.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 268k
FileFEIAR Appendix D3 - Preliminary Site Plan - Witdraai No 204-1.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 260k
FileFEIAR Appendix D4 - Preliminary Site Plan - Vaalwater No 84-1, RE.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 260k
FileFEIAR Appendix D5 - Preliminary Site Plan - Farm No 570.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 260k
FileFEIAR Appendix E - Wetland - Aquatic and Terrestrial Desktop Sensitivity.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 2620k
FileFEIAR Appendix F - Heritage Impact Assessment.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 1744k
FileFEIAR Appendix G - Palaeontological Impact Assessment.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 2024k
FileFEIAR Appendix H - Diatomite Literature Review and Target Generation.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 19968k
FileFEIAR Appendix I1 - Comments and Response Report.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 1532k
FileFEIAR Appendix I2 - Proof of Public Participation Part 1 of 3.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 11072k
FileFEIAR Appendix I2 - Proof of Public Participation Part 2 of 3.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 26028k
FileFEIAR Appendix I2 - Proof of Public Participation Part 3 of 3.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 22532k
FileFEIAR Appendix K - Invasive Plant Species Management Plan.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 1568k
FileFEIAR Appendix L - Photographs of Study Area.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 7092k
FileFEIAR Appendix M - EAP CV and Proof of Experience.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 728k
FileFinal Environmental Impact Assessment Report - NC 30-5-1-1-2-13826 PR.pdf2024-11-13 13:24 8656k
FileFinal Scoping Report - NC 30-5-1-1-2-13826 PR.pdf2024-03-28 13:40 4352k
FileFSR Appendix 1 - EAP CV.pdf2024-03-28 13:40 652k
FileFSR Appendix 2 - EAP Proof of Experience.pdf2024-03-28 13:40 144k
FileFSR Appendix 3.1 - Regulation 42 Map.pdf2024-03-28 13:40 8304k
FileFSR Appendix 3.2 - Regulation 2.2 Map.pdf2024-03-28 13:40 1300k
FileFSR Appendix 4 - Land Use Map - Bermolli 583, Engelsdraai 221, Witdraai 204, ...2024-03-28 13:40 932k
FileFSR Appendix 4 - Land Use Map - Devon 277 and Botha 313.pdf2024-03-28 13:40 712k
FileFSR Appendix 5.1 - Comments and Response Report.pdf2024-03-28 13:40 900k
FileFSR Appendix 5.2 - Proof of Public Participation Part 1.pdf2024-03-28 13:40 11072k
FileFSR Appendix 5.2 - Proof of Public Participation Part 2.pdf2024-03-28 13:40 24628k
FileInvitation to Surrounding Neighbours.pdf2024-02-21 14:26 132k
FileStockpile DBAR - Roodekrans.pdf2024-10-03 11:50 1740k
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