Index of /projects/HENRED_TRADING/

NameLast ModifiedSize
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FileAppendix L - Closure Rehabilitation Plan signed.pdf2024-05-21 07:26 952k
FileAppendix P - CV & Experience 2024.pdf2024-05-21 07:26 1004k
FileDBAR - Ghanja 10843 MP.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 7496k
FileDBAR Appendix A - Regulation 2.2.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 1796k
FileDBAR Appendix B -Locality Map.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 6652k
FileDBAR Appendix C - Site Activitites Map.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 728k
FileDBAR Appendix D - Surrounding Land Use Map.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 6292k
FileDBAR Appendix E - Rehabilitation Plan.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 820k
FileDBAR Appendix F - Proof of Public Participation Part 1.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 6904k
FileDBAR Appendix G - Supporting Impact Assessment.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 52k
FileDBAR Appendix H - Financial and Technical Ability.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 212k
FileDBAR Appendix I - Invasive Plant Species Management Plan.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 768k
FileDBAR Appendix J - Photographs of the site.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 500k
FileDBAR Appendix K - CV of EAPS.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 7276k
FileDBAR Appendix L - Closure Rehabilitation Plan signed.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 952k
FileDBAR Appendix M - Soil and Agricultural Potential Assessment.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 2252k
FileDBAR Appendix M1 - Wetland Functional and Impact Assessment.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 3968k
FileDBAR Appendix M2 - Terrestrial Biodiversity Impact Assessment.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 7484k
FileDBAR Appendix M3 - Heritage Impact Assessment.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 2324k
FileDBAR Appendix N - Screening Report.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 1368k
FileDBAR Appendix O-Site Sensitivity Report.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 384k
FileDBAR Appendix P - Acceptance and Acknowledgement letter.pdf2024-05-20 14:08 136k
FileFBAR - Ghanja 10843 MP.pdf2024-06-25 13:16 7596k
FileFBAR Appendix F - Comments and Responses - Ghanja MP FBAR.pdf2024-06-25 13:16 304k
FileFBAR Appendix F - Proof of Public Participation Part 2.pdf2024-06-25 13:16 6864k
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