Index of /projects/Lichtenburg/

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FileAlternative Water Sources Study.pdf2022-10-25 06:56 2196k
FileAppendix 15.1 - Waste Classification for Proposed PCDs.PDF2023-01-18 09:02 2196k
FileAppendix 15.2 - Lafarge Stormwater & PCD Preliminary Design Report.pdf2023-01-18 09:02 16372k
FileAppendix 15.3 - Design Calculations.PDF2023-01-18 09:02 2616k
FileAppendix 15.4 - Design Drawings for Pollution Control Dams.pdf2023-01-18 09:02 7744k
FileAppendix 15.5 - Construction Quality Assurance Plan for Polluction Control Da...2023-01-18 09:02 1132k
FileAppendix 15.6 - Interface Stability Checks.PDF2023-01-18 09:02 1440k
FileAppendix 15.7 - Specialist Reports and Results_Incl Geotechical Report.PDF2023-01-18 09:03 69900k
FileAppendix 20 - Civils Checklist for DWS.pdf2023-01-18 09:02 1368k
FileAppendix 9 - Lafarge Lichtenburg Cement Plant IWWMP.pdf2023-01-18 08:59 4216k
FileDust Management Plan.docx.pdf2022-10-25 06:56 764k
FileEnvironmental Audit Report.pdf2022-10-25 06:56 1636k
FileEnvironmental monitoring schedule.xlsx - Sheet1.pdf2022-10-25 06:56 60k
FileGeohydro report.pdf2022-10-25 06:56 9344k
FileLafarge Cement Factory_Section 27 Motivation_WU20466_Oct22 FINAL.pdf2022-11-01 12:04 284k
FileLafarge Cement Plant Hydrological Impact Assessment Report (August 2022).pdf2022-10-25 06:56 1592k
[IMG]Lafarge Cement Plant MLP Water Uses and sampling points.jpg2022-10-25 06:56 5008k
[IMG]Lafarge Cement Plant MLP without water uses.jpg2022-10-25 06:56 5520k
FileLafarge Cement Plant Water Balance Final Report (August 2022).pdf2022-10-25 06:56 1896k
FileLafarge EMP - 2011.pdf2022-10-25 06:56 1552k
FileLafarge Industries Monthly WQR_August 2022 (1).pdf2022-10-25 06:56 5060k
FileLafarge Lichtenburg Cement Plant IWWMP_WU20466.Oct22.pdf2022-11-01 12:04 4104k
FileLafarge Lichtenburg Updated Floodline Study Report.pdf2022-11-01 12:04 3212k
FileLafarge Lichtenburg Water Use Licence Application Report_WU20466_Jan23.pdf2023-01-18 08:59 1604k
FileLafarge Lichtenburg WULA Wetland Specialist Study.pdf2022-10-25 06:56 4008k
FileLafarge Plant - S27 Motivation Report.pdf2022-10-25 06:56 184k
FileLafarge Stormwater & PCD Preliminary Design Report_Rev00_FINAL.pdf2022-10-25 06:56 16372k
FileLafarge Wetland rehabilitation Plan (Final).asd.pdf2022-10-25 06:56 1580k
FileLarfarge SWMP Report (August 2022).pdf2022-10-25 06:56 4340k
FileRegistration and Commenting form - Lafarge Licthenburg WU20466 - final.pdf2022-05-25 07:54 772k
FileSewage Management Plan.docx.pdf2022-10-25 06:56 124k
FileSigned Maintenance Master Schedule.pdf2022-10-25 06:56 36k
FileWetland Rehabilitation Plan Final Report (Including DFFE Comments).pdf2022-11-01 12:04 9980k
FileWULA WU20446.pdf2022-11-01 12:04 1608k
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