Sonette has started Greenmined Environmental in 2012. She has a passion for the environment and interest in sustainability. As a result-oriented individual, she was driven to build a team of enthusiastic consultants that have a passion for the environment and establishing strategic relationships with a professional team of skilled specialist with extraordinary knowledge of wide sectors of the environmental field, the company has grown to be one of the leaders in the industry.
Sonette presents 12 years of Environmental Management experience through working at two Environmental Consultancies. She is a former Department of Water and Sanitation (DWS) employee, at which time significant experience was obtained with regard to departmental structures and procedures, and where she was involved in water usage applications, data collation and monitoring. She was also involved with projects on a contractual basis for the DWS which included backlog water use authorisations and water quality monitoring. As a previous employee she is familiar with departmental mechanisms and functioning supporting the success of departmental application processes. During her past experience in the departmental system, Sonette gained considerable insight into the working of administrative processes, organizational structures and reporting lines for procedures, as well as an understanding of the capacity and support constraints in the Department.
Sonette is a certified SAGIC Invasive Species Consultant and a member of IAIAsa.